Newton AI General FAQ

Newton AI is a Virtual Artificial Intelligence powered chat agent that can be easily added to any webpage in order to serve as an expert in your organization and automate and improve customer service. The Newton AI agent is a human-like digital assistant that is always available to answer your user's and customer's questions in real-time, engaging with and satisfying your users like never before.

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions as well as general information about our customer service automation chatbot Newton AI and how our AI can be leveraged to level up your digital presence and customer service experience.


What is the purpose of Newton AI?Newton AI is an easy-to-install Javascript plugin that automates and improves customer and employee service by providing a virtual AI powered chat agent that is always available to your potential customers and users to answer their questions in real-time. Newton AI is an expert in your domain and eliminates virtually all the latency, waiting and frustration that users have to endure with more traditional(and human powered) customer and employee service. When installed and enabled, the Newton AI plugin inserts a floating sticky chat button on the bottom right corner of your web page that when clicked opens up a Newton AI customer service chat window. Providing users with the information they need exactly when they seek it. You can read more about the benefits of Newton AI and customer/employee service automation in this Chicago AI blog post.
Who would be a good candidate for Newton AI?Newton AI is ideal for any organization that is looking to boost, or otherwise improve and transform their customer service experience, online presence or employee effectiveness and efficiency. The Newton AI agent is a human-like digital presence that represents your brand and is always available to answer customer's questions or otherwise satisfy their needs. The Newton AI agent can do everything from helping customers pick the right product to supporting internal employees with up-to-date company policies and internal information. Newton AI virtually eliminates the need for costly and human powered customer and employee service routines, allowing your organization to focus on what it does best, all while leaving your customers more satisfied with their customer service experience than they ever have been before. Newton AI enables small businesses by being the absolutely most affordable and highest quality Artificial Intelligence powered customer service automation solution on the market, by a very wide margin, all while having ABSOLUTELY NO startup cost or contracts, you can get started now for ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Can I use Newton AI to automate or augment internal applications or proccesses?

Yes, the Newton AI agent excels at internal applications. Newton AI can be easily trained on virtually any information, and act as a single source of truth for your employees. Enabling your employees to make informed decsions, based on current company guidance and procedures, in real-time.

How is Newton AI trained?

The Newton AI agent could not be easier to train. The Newton AI Trainer can be easily instructed to scan your entire website, as well as any additional webpages, documents or content that you wish, and get familiar with your organization and all of it's products and offerings. This makes Newton AI an expert and authority on your business, its offerings and its processes and enables Newton AI to answer virtually any question asked about your domain with ease. This entire process can be done effortlessly with only a few clicks of a mouse.

Using our new Newton AI Training Module Editor, you can effortlessly create, edit, maintain, tune and export special structured AI training data modules that make training and tuning your Newton AI instance easier than ever before. You can learn more about training Newton AI on our Newton AI Training FAQ page.

Do I need strong tech skills in order to implement, deploy and use Newton AI? No, not at all. All you need to deploy the Newton AI agent is access to your websites HTML source files or CMS console. Installing Newton AI is simple as pasting a provided Javascript snippet to the global header for your web pages. We strive for Newton AI to provide the perfect balance of ease-of-use and customizability, you can read more about installing and configuring Newton AI here.
What other non-customer-service benefits does Newton AI provide? Newton AI is a diverse and versatile tool that provides many benefits to it's consumers. Top among those benefits is Newton AI Analytics. Newton AI can capture and aggregate a wide variety of engagement data from your site and provide useful metrics, analytics and actionable suggestions that allow you to optimize the content on your web pages and provide the best user experience possible. Newton AI Analytics are a great tool for page insights that be used along with(or instead of) traditional performance measurement tools like Google Analytics. Alternatively, Newton AI can be trained on internal company data and processes to act like your organization's own unique, private and indivdual version of Chat GPT. When leveraged this way, Newton AI can act as a powerful tool in enabling and supporting your employees through their day-to-day operations and augmenting their existing skills. Newton AI can even be leveraged to help write complex computer code and aid in software development.
How can I get my own Newton AI instance? You can provision your own Newton AI instance by creating or logging into an Chicago AI Portal business type account. From the portal homepage, you can click the 'Create Newton AI Instance' button to create your own Newton AI instance. You can learn more about deploying and configuring your Newton AI instance on our Newton AI Implementation FAQ page.
Can I take control of a Newton AI chat session? Yes. On the 'ACTIVE SESSIONS' tab of the Newton AI Interactions portal page you will find a list of all currently active Newton AI agent chat sessions for your selected API key. Each chat session in that list will have a blue chat button that when pressed will allow you to both takeover and view that chat session in real-time.
Where can I find technical data or performance metrics about my Newton AI instance? Chicago AI leverages and aggregates information associated with each individual request(and it's origin) in order to provide real-time performance data as well as insights into how your AI instance can be improved and optimized to perform even better. Performance metrics, as well as various suggestions and suggested tweaks, can be viewed by navigating to the Newton AI Interactions portal page, selecting the target Newton AI API key and clicking the 'VIEW METRICS' button. We are always working to add new metrics, reports and improvements to this feature, so be sure to check back frequently.
Can I use my own OpenAI account/model with my Newton AI instance? Yes, Newton AI supports OpenAI along with our proprietary LLM. To set your Newton AI istance to OpenAI mode, please contact us and we will be happy to switch it for you. When you use your own OpenAI API key, Chicago AI can lower the cost of Newton AI to reflect the AI LLM costs that will be shifted to your OpenAI account.
How is Newton AI usage billed? Newton AI usage is billed based on the total number of language tokens consumed by each request. Language tokens are word fragments(ex: throw = th + row = 2 tokens), and are counted from all the text associated with each request, this includes the tokens contained in the user's message, as well as that of the tokens contained in the previous chat context(if enabled) and the tokens in the data that Newton AI uses to form his response. 100 tokens is equal to approximately 75 words. You can learn more about AI tokens in general from this informative article from Microsoft. The dollar amount charged for token usage is calculated by applying the rate($ per 1,000 tokens) in your Newton AI billing schedule to the total number of tokens consumed. All billing amounts are in USD.
Where can I find my Newton AI billing schedule? You can find your individual Newton AI billing schedule on the 'Summary' tab of your AI Summary portal page. Additionally, you can find more general information about token usage and billing on our AI Billing FAQ page. NOTE - All Newton AI token usage is billed on and at the BASE tier/rate.
Can I negotiate a custom Newton AI billing schedule? If your Newton AI instance generates an average of more than 1,000 billable request of traffic per month, you are eligible to request a new enterprise monthly billing schedule by submitting a request on our Contact Us page or by email at Note that Newton AI welcome messages are not billed and therefore do not count towards the 1,000 requests per month traffic requirement.
Where can I find more technical information about implementing and configuring Newton AI? While being simple to deploy and use, Newton AI offers a wide variety of options and configurations for advanced users when it comes to training, deploying and tuning your AI instance. You can find answers to frequently asked technical questions as well additional information about installing and configuring Newton AI on our Technical Newton AI FAQ page as well as our Newton AI Training FAQ page. If you need more information or additional support, please contact Chicago AI. We are here to help.
Where can I find more information about styling and customizing Newton AI? Newton AI offers virtually unlimited possibilities when it comes to styling and customization. On your Newton AI Customizations portal page, you can override the styles on nearly every component of the Newton AI UI with ease and experiment with new looks for your Newton AI instance. On your Newton AI playground portal page, you can experiment with and tweak most other aspects and behaviors of Newton AI. You can find answers to frequently asked questions as well additional information about customizing and styling Newton AI on our Customizing Newton AI FAQ page as well as our Newton AI Implementation FAQ page. If you need additional help or support, please contact us and we will be glad to get you sorted out.
What is the Chicago AI Pilot Program? The Chicago AI Pilot Program allows Chicago AI to give back and empower a limited number of small business owners whom have limited budgets by providing them access to deploy and use Newton AI for free. To apply to, or learn more about the AI Pilot Program, please visit the AI Pilot Program Home Page. If you still have unanswered questions about the Chicago AI Pilot Program, or need anything else, please reach out and contact Chicago AI, and we would be happy to help.

If the Q&A above doesn't answer all your questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask Chicago AI a question using the form on our Contact Us page.