Chicago AI Pilot Program

The Chicago AI Pilot Program allows a limited number of small business owners the ability to use and leverage the Chicago AI platform for free in exchange for simply providing feedback and reviews to Chicago AI about its product and service offerings. The Chicago AI Pilot Program allows Chicago AI to give back to our small business partners by providing our industry leading Artificial Intelligence powered automation tools, like Newton AI, for free all while offering program participants the ability and a voice to shape Chicago AI's platform in an image that truly works well for real small businesses.

Approved pilot program participants will be awarded usage allotments for select Chicago AI services, such as Newton AI. Awarded usage allotments will be sufficient enough that pilot program participants can leverage our game-changing AI products and services to their full extent and potential. Program participation helps to provide Chicago AI with some of the insights needed to set current and future Chicago AI users up for success.

Space in the Chicago AI Pilot Program is extremely limited, and spots will be awarded to partners in the order of best organizational fit. Those that apply for Chicago AI's Pilot Program and are not immediately accepted into the program, will be placed in a queue and will be notified once a compatible seat is available for them. Program participation is not guaranteed under any circumstances.

AI Pilot Program Application

By submitting this application, you are expressing to Chicago AI that you are interested in joining the AI Pilot Program. Since space in the program is extremely limited, submitting this application does not(in any way) guarantee your organization a seat in the pilot program.

Don't hesitate to apply to the Chicago AI Pilot Program if you feel that your organization is a good fit, or that Newton AI will revolutionize your online business.