Newton AI Implementation FAQ

Newton AI is a Virtual AI chat agent that can be easily added to any webpage in order to serve as an expert in your organization and automate and improve customer service. The Newton AI agent is a human-like digital assistant that is always available to answer your user's and customer's questions in real-time, engaging with and satisfying your users like never before.

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions as well as technical information about implementing and configuring Newton AI.


How do I implement or install Newton AI on my website?Newton AI is deployed by embedding the Javascript snippet provided on the 'Install Newton AI' tab of the AI Summary portal page anywhere in the HTML sources of the target pages. If you are using a CMS, Newton AI can typically be installed globally to your site through your CMS's global tags/snippets manager(or it's equivalent). This varies by CMS, please consult with your CMS provider(or CMS documentation) to find specific instructions for embedding Javascript.
How do I train my Newton AI instance?Newton AI can be trained by creating an AI model on the Newton AI Models AI Portal page. New models are automatically applied after they are successfully created. Newton AI models are trained with data from URLs(provided on the 'Create New Model form) that point to pages that contain information that Newton AI should know about your company, procedures, products, services, etc. To learn more about training Newton AI, please visit our Newton AI Training FAQ page.
What is the best approach when building/training a new Newton AI model?In most cases, all you need to do is simply provide a valid URL to your website's sitemap, and this is perfectly sufficient to set Newton AI off into the wild as your organization's always available virtual representative. There are more advanced settings for training Newton AI, but simply providing Newton AI with a link to your website's sitemap is typically the best place to start. If your website does not have a sitemap, you can manually add the URLs for your site in the 'URLs' field of the 'Create New Model' form on the Newton AI Models portal page. To learn more about training Newton AI, please visit our Newton AI Training FAQ page. If you need help training or configuring your Newton AI instance, please don't hesitate to reach out to Chicago AI, and we will be happy to help.
What type(or format) of content works best for training Newton AI? Since Newton AI's main purpose is to answer questions, Newton AI's training algorithm responds best to FAQ or Q&A format pages like this one. Newton AI can also be trained with properly formatted JSON data. That said, Newton AI will still work with any kind of content or formatting you provide to it. To learn more about training Newton AI, please visit our Newton AI Training FAQ page.
How do I configure my Newton AI instance?Newton AI is extremely configurable and versatile. Newton AI's various configurable properties can be found and adjusted on the 'Update AI Config' tab of the AI Summary AI portal page. You can experiment with, and preview changes to, Newton AI's various configuration variables by navigating to the Newton AI Playground AI portal page. Additionally, you can customize Newton AI's visual appearance and CSS stylesheets on the Newton AI Customization AI portal page.
How do I change the text in the header of the Newton AI chat window? The Newton AI chat window header text can be changed by updating the 'Chat Window Header' field on the 'Update AI Config' tab of the AI Summary portal page.
Can I change the position of the Newton AI chat button/window? You can customize the position of the Newton AI chat window/button using CSS by defining styles for the newton-plugin class on your HTML source page. You may need to use the !important CSS rule to override some style properties. Please note that this CSS class can only be overridden with CSS embeded on your source page, this class can not be overridden with the CSS editor on the Newton AI Customization portal page. You can learn more about customizing the Newton AI UI on the Customizing Newton AI FAQ page.
Can I temporarily disable or pause my Newton AI instance? You can disable your Newton AI instance at any time by clicking the 'DISABLE' button on the AI Summary portal page. Likewise, you can reenable your Newton AI instance by pressing the 'ENABLE' button on the same page. Please note that nobody will be able to use your Newton AI instance while it is disabled.
Can I take control of an active Newton AI chat session? Yes. On the 'ACTIVE SESSIONS' tab of the Newton AI Interactions portal page you will find a list of all currently active Newton AI chat sessions for your selected API key. Each chat session in that list will have a blue chat button that when pressed will allow you to both takeover and view that chat session in real-time. NOTE - When you press the 'TAKEOVER' button for a chat session, Newton AI will no longer respond messages from that user until you disable takeover mode.
Can I change or customize the way that the Newton AI chat window looks? Yes, you can customize the way that Newton AI looks and feels by adding custom CSS styles to the CSS editor on the Newton AI Customization AI portal page. By applying custom CSS style definitions, you can override nearly every visual aspect of the Newton AI client user interface. Note that the Newton AI chat window on the Newton AI Customization portal page is a copy of your own Newton AI instance that you can preview changes against. You can learn more about customizing the Newton AI UI on the Customizing Newton AI FAQ page.
What is CSS? CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a type of computer language that determines how the contents of an HTML(Hyper-Text Markup Language) web page will visually appear on on a user's web browser display. CSS can be used on the Newton AI Customization AI portal page to alter the way your clients see Newton AI. You can learn more about cascading style sheets by reading this document from Mozilla.
What CSS classes are available for Newton AI style customizations? You can view the available Newton AI CSS classes by clicking the 'View Available CSS Classes' button on the Newton AI Customization AI portal page. You can then change Newton AI's appearance by defining CSS styles for any of the available classes in the provided CSS editor input.
What is the 'Chat Session Indicators Enabled' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Chat Session Indicators Enabled' configuration property determines if the chat window will display timestamps in the chat history that indicate each time a new session was started with Newton AI.
What is the 'Chat Context Enabled' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Chat Context Enabled' configuration property determines if Newton AI will have knowledge of all the previous messages that were exchanged in each individual chat session. You can think of this as Newton AI's short term memory. For example, If chat context is disabled and a user asks Newton AI to elaborate on a previous answer, Newton AI will have no knowledge of any of it's previous answers and will most likely hallucinate to compensate for it's ignorance. This is an optional cost saving feature that may be useful at times(such as when tweaking/troubleshooting a model). When Chat Context is enabled, each request is more expensive than the last because the additional amount of tokens contained in all the previous messages.
What is the 'Welcome Message' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Welcome Message' configuration property determines the first message Newton AI will send to new users of your page. This message should be specially crafted to catch the target user's attention and get them to engage with Newton AI. For example, if most users typically come to your website in search of your organization's address or business hours, a good welcome message might ask the user if they need help finding your location. If you are struggling to get users to engage with Newton AI, tweaking the welcome message is probably the best place to start troubleshooting. Since this message is not computed by the AI, you are not charged for these messages. The Welcome Message property supports Markdown formatting, so feel free to insert any links or formatting that you like in Markdown format.
What is the 'Web Search Enabled' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Web Search Enabled' configuration property determines whether or not Newton AI will perform a web search when he needs more information to properly answer a question. When enabled, this allows Newton AI to answer the most unexpected of questions, further driving user engagement. NOTE - This feature increases the amount of tokens consumed and cost of each Newton AI request.
What is the 'Image Generation Enabled' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Image Generation Enabled' configuration property determines whether or not Newton AI will generate images when asked. Currently, Newton AI will only generate images when specifically asked, but we plan to expand this feature in the near future.
What is the 'Max Response Tokens' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Max Response Tokens' configuration property determines the maximum length of each of Newton AI's responses. The higher the value, the longer Newton AI's responses can potentially be.
What is the 'Max Knowledge Blocks' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Max Knowledge Blocks' configuration property determines the maximum amount of revelant data or knowledge Newton AI can consider when responding to a request. The higher the value, the higher the potential that Newton AI's responses will be well informed. Changing this value has the potential to change the average amount of tokens consumed by Newton AI requests.
What is the 'Randomness' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Randomness' configuration property determines how predictable each one of Newton AI's responses will be. This a decimal number between 0 and 1, where 0 = very predictable(not random) and 1 = not at all predictable(very random and creative). The closer this value is to 1, the more creative and random Newton AI's responses will be. This value defaults to 1 if an invalid value is configured.
What is the 'Chat Message Timestamps Enabled' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Chat Message Timestamps Enabled' configuration property determines whether or not each message in the Newton AI chat history will display a timestamp. When disabled, each message will display a tooltip message with a timestamp when it is hovered over.
What is the 'Open When Message Received Enabled' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Open When Message Received Enabled' configuration property determines whether or not the Newton AI chat window will open everytime a user receives a message from Newton AI. This means that when a new user arrives on your site, the chat window will open automatically when Newton AI sends a welcome message to the user. This can be handy tool for driving user engagement with Newton AI that should be used cautiously.
What is the 'Test Mode Enabled' property on the Newton AI configuration page? The 'Test Mode Enabled' configuration property determines whether or not your Newton AI instance will be in test mode. When in test mode, Newton AI will return your welcome message for every request, and you will not be billed for any requests.
How can I experiment with my Newton AI configuration without deploying changes to production? You can experiment with, and preview changes to your Newton AI configuration by navigating to the Newton AI Playground portal page, and using the form there. The Newton AI chat window on the Newton AI Playground portal page is a copy of your own Newton AI instance that you can preview changes against.
My new Newton AI instance doesn't work. Why does every request return an error message? All new Newton AI accounts are billed in a prepaid credit format. Be sure to add token usage credits to your account using the Fund Account portal page so that your Newton AI instance can be used. Newton AI consumers with more than 1,000(one thousand) billible requests per month are eligible to request a monthly flat-rate billing schedule by submitting a query using the form on our Contact Us page or by email at
The Newton AI chat window disappears when a user sends a message, what is happening? This most likely caused by the malformation of the embedded Javascript snippet. Please be sure to verify that the snippet that you embedded on your webpage matches the snippet provided on the AI Summary portal page. If the problem persists, please feel free to ask for help by submitting a request through the form on our Contact Us page.
How will I be billed for images generated by Newton AI? Newton AI generated images are billed based on 'Standard' Image Tokens. 'Standard' Image Tokens for an image are computed by adding the image's width(in pixels) with the image's height(in pixels). This token amount is then applied to the 'Standard Image' rate tier in your billing schedule. A typical image generated by Newton AI will be 1024px(width) by 1024px(height) in size.
What is an AI hallucination? AI Hallucinations are a sometimes frustrating and peculiar phenomenon in Large Language AI Model(LLM)s and Generative AI in which when an AI is asked a question about a subject it has no(or very little) knowledge of, it has a tendency to respond with an untrue, fabricated and mostly falsified(but sometimes seemingly plausible) answer. Chicago AI has implemented serveral guardrails to detect and correct hallucinations in AI responses before they are returned to the user, but it is still possible that they might occur.
Newton AI is producing an error message that says 'Requests from this origin are forbidden', how do I fix this? To prevent malicious actors from abusing your Newton AI instance, our API will only honor requests that originate from the domain registered to your portal account. It is possible to add additional allowed domains(such as a domain for a development environment) to your Newton AI instance by submitting a request on our Contact Us page. A self-service feature for allowed domain configuration is in the works and should be ready for release in the near future.
It seems that the Chicago AI Platform does not serve requests that originate from a country other than the United States of America(US). Is this true and can I get an exception? For increased security and to reduce risk and exposure, we only serve requests that originate from the US by default. If you would like to serve Newton AI to users abroad, please submit a request on our Contact Us page or by email at Be sure to include a complete list of all countries(including country code) you would like to be whitelisted.

If the Q&A above doesn't answer all your questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask us a question using the contact form on our Contact Us page.