Chicago AI Terms of Service

This document defines the terms and conditions associated with using Chicago AI's Artificial Intelligence Platform. Please read this document in its entirety because by using the platform, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions contained herein.


  • The PROVIDER: Chicago AI and any and all of it's parent and subsidiary companies(and their agents) shall be referred to collectively as The PROVIDER.
  • The PLATFORM: Any service, product, webpage or software otherwise provided or maintained by Chicago AI shall be referred to collectively as The PLATFORM.
  • The CONSUMER: Any person or organization that uses or consumes The PLATFORM shall be referred to collectively as The CONSUMER
  • The AGREEMENT: The Terms of Service contained herein shall be referred to collectively as The AGREEMENT.
  • The VENDORS: Any third-party service provider that the Chicago AI platform may be dependent on shall be referred to collectively as The VENDORS.


The PLATFORM is a collection of cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence powered web services, applications and resources engineered and developed by The PROVIDER. It is The PROVIDER's goal to provide equal opportunity for everyone to use The PLATFORM, and AI in general, within reason. It is the responsibility of everyone(especially The CONSUMERs) to keep The PLATFORM clean and safe. By implementing the Terms and Conditions contained herein, The PROVIDER aims to make Artificial Intelligence equitable, affordable, safe and accessible for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

The PLATFORM, and AI technology in general, are very powerful and transformative tools, that must be used and developed with extreme caution. In the wrong hands, Artificial Intelligence tools like The PLATFORM, can be used to inflict great harm. The terms and conditions contained herein are not meant to be restrictive, or to give The PROVIDER some kind of advantage, but are a necessary and responsible safety mechanism that helps to ensure that The PLATFORM will only be used in ways that benefit the greater good.

By using The PLATFORM responsibly and following the rules contained herein, The CONSUMERs collectively enable The PROVIDER to identify opportunities to improve and responsibly develop and mature The PLATFORM, and it's underlying AI, in a way that accomplishes The PROVIDER's good intentioned goals. We hope you will join us, and help to responsibly grow and develop The PLATFORM, and it's underlying AI to be a powerful and beneficial tool for all humankind.


ANY and ALL use of The PLATFORM(or any other application, service, product or resource offered by The PROVIDER) by The CONSUMER shall be viewed as the acknowledgement and agreement of all the Terms of Service contained herein. The Terms of Service defined in The AGREEMENT are legally binding(except any terms that are voided, modified or nullified by applicable local law), and The PROVIDER will seek the MAXIMUM relief available under applicable law for any violation of The AGREEMENT by The CONSUMER.

  • The Terms of Service contained in The AGREEMENT are VALID until they are modified or otherwise changed by The PROVIDER.
  • The PROVIDER provides The PLATFORM AS-IS and at will, and The PROVIDER is under ABSOLUTELY NO obligation to provide The CONSUMER with any kind of support or warranty WHATSOEVER.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the RIGHT to refuse service(and access to The PLATFORM) to anyone, for any reason, with no explanation or notice of any kind WHATSOEVER.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the RIGHT to change the Terms of Service contained in The AGREEMENT at ANY time with ABSOLUTELY NO explanation, reason or any other kind of notice WHATSOEVER.
  • ALL usage token credit purchases or transactions of any kind are FINAL, non-transferable and non-refundable, under any and ALL conditions(or circumstances) WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that they will not use The PLATFORM in the commission(or otherwise as aid or assist in the commission) of any crime(of any nature or magnitude), in any jurisdiction WHATSOEVER.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the right to modify, add, change or waive ANY provisions or terms of ANY subscription to The PLATFORM that The CONSUMER may hold, in ANY way, at ANY time, for ANY reason, without notice, at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the right to verify the identity, email address ownership, age, funding source ownership, domain ownership and/or location, as well as any other fact, data, statement or aspect that may pertain to the legitimate, safe and secure operation of The PLATFORM, of The CONSUMER, at any time, for any reason, without notice or explanation and The CONSUMER AGREES to provide The PROVIDER with any relevant supporting documents in an urgent and timely manner when reasonably requested to do so, under ANY and ALL circumstances or conditions.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The CONSUMER will NEVER resell([or redistribute]in any way) any service or function of The PLATFORM, without the express WRITTEN permission of The PROVIDER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to share their credentials(or API keys) for The PLATFORM with ANYBODY WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to use The PLATFORM to create, modify, edit, generate, distribute or handle/process content that might be considered to be of a sexual nature or otherwise inappropriate, determined at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to use The PLATFORM to create, modify, edit, generate, distribute or handle/process content that could be used in the design, conception, manufacture distribution or marketing of materials/objects that could be considered a weapon, determined at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to use The PLATFORM to create, modify, edit, generate, distribute or handle/process content that might be considered HARMFUL or HATEFUL or otherwise malicious or inappropriate, determined at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to use The PLATFORM to create, modify, edit, generate, distribute or handle/process content that might be considered aimed at spreading or propagating misinformation, determined at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The CONSUMER will forfeit any and all available credits in The CONSUMER's account on The PLATFORM if The CONSUMER is found to have violated any terms in The AGREEMENT.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to only use funding sources that The CONSUMER has the LEGAL right and authority to use.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to create duplicate(or otherwise illegitimate) accounts in order to exploit any promotions that The PROVIDER may run for new accounts.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The PROVIDER is NOT responsible(under ANY circumstance) for any and all damages(of any kind or magnitude) that may be caused by The PLATFORM(or their use thereof), either directly or indirectly.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The PROVIDER may cancel, suspend, delete or otherwise modify or destroy The CONSUMER's account on The PLATFORM WITHOUT notice or reason of any kind in the event that The PROVIDER finds The CONSUMER is(or was) in violation of any terms contained in The AGREEMENT.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The PROVIDER is NOT liable in ANY WAY for ANY damage of any kind that may result in the event of a data-breach, or ANY other kind of cyber-security or data safety event.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to use The PLATFORM, or any other product or service offered by The PROVIDER, in the creation, modification or distribution of malware, ransomware, spyware or anything that might be construed malicious software.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to let The PROVIDER collect ANONYMOUS usage and performance data from The CONSUMER's use of The PLATFORM.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to use The PLATFORM to process, upload or otherwise handle any data that might be considered of a sexual(or any other similar type of harmful or inappropriate) nature.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to forfeit any and all available funds in The CONSUMER's usage token credit account if The CONSUMER violates any of the Terms of Service set in The AGREEMENT.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the right to limit or otherwise modify how much funding can be added/posted/spent to/from The CONSUMER's account on The PLATFORM, at ANY time, for ANY reason, with absolutely NO NOTICE, justification or explanation of any kind WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that usage token credits have no monetary value, are unsecured and are not financial assets in any case.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that no deviation or departure by The PROVIDER from ANY Terms and Conditions contained in The AGREEMENT, shall be construed or otherwise interpreted as the cancellation, waiver, nullification, or modification of ANY terms or conditions defined in The AGREEMENT, unless expressly permitted in writing from The PROVIDER, under any other circumstance WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The PROVIDER my change, or otherwise adjust the price or cost of any product or service offered on The PLATFORM at any given time, for ANY reason, WITHOUT notice or explanation, at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The CONSUMER ACKNOWLEDGES that they must be at least 18 years of age to use The PLATFORM, unless using an account created by a consenting parent or legal guardian, with their explicit permission.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES and ACKNOWLEDGES that if The CONSUMER is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions contained in The AGREEMENT, that that is a breach of ANY and ALL other contracts or agreements The CONSUMER may hold with The PROVIDER, unless when explicitly stated otherwise in the agreement or contract in question.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to use The PLATFORM to ingest, scrape or otherwise process or aggregate copyrighted material that The CONSUMER DOES NOT own the rights to.
  • The CONSUMER ACKNOWLEDGES and AGREES that by using The PLATFORM they are also AGREEING to the following Terms of Service(ToS)(s) of The VENDORS.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES and ACKNOWLEDGES that if The CONSUMER is found to be in violation of the terms of use, or terms of service of any of The VENDORS defined in The AGREEMENT, that that constitutes a violation of The AGREEMENT.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to exploit, manipulate or otherwise take advantage of any defect(or any other vulnerability or malfunction) in The PLATFORM in any case WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to notify The PROVIDER immediately upon discovery of any defect, vulnerability, malfunction or exploit that allows a user to take advantage of The PLATFORM in any way.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to notify The PROVIDER as soon as reasonably possible to do so in the event The CONSUMER, or any other entity, organization, asset or account related to The CONSUMER, suffers from a data breach, ransomware attack, or any other kind of cyber event, that may pose a risk to, or potentially affect the operations of, The PLATFORM, under ANY and ALL circumstances.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to change/reset ANY and ALL credentials The CONSUMER may have to The PLATFORM(or any other product or service offered by The PROVIDER) as soon as reasonably possible to do so in the event The CONSUMER, or any other entity, organization, asset or account related to The CONSUMER, suffers from a data breach, ransomware attack, or any other kind of cyber event, that may pose a risk to, or potentially affect the privacy or secrecy of said credentials, under ANY and ALL circumstances.
  • The CONSUMER ACKNOWLEDGES that The PROVIDER is NOT responsible or liable, under ANY circumstances, for ANY harm or damage, directly or indirectly, caused by any undesired, inappropriate or harmful response or output generated by The PLATFORM WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER ACKNOWLEDGES and AGREES that The PLATFORM may experience brief outages when any of The VENDORS services, platforms or products experience an outage, and that The PROVIDER is not responsible or liable for ANY problems or damages(any and all, either directly or indirectly) that might arise from these circumstances WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to receive electronic communications from The PROVIDER via email or text message.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to act as a proxy or otherwise enable(or aid) an unauthorized person or entity to use The PLATFORM, under ANY circumstance, without express written permission from The PROVIDER.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the right modify, add, remove or otherwise alter any offerings or services(or their costs) on The PLATFORM, at ANY time, for ANY reason, with absolutely NO notice.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to use or otherwise leverage The PLATFORM, or any other of the tools, products or services offered by The PROVIDER, commercially, in a way that they were not expressly intended for, under ANY circumstance, without EXPRESS written permission from The PROVIDER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to deploy or otherwise embed, any product, service or resource offered under The PLATFORM on any webpage, website or domain that The CONSUMER DOES NOT have the legal right or authority to do so.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that any credits or funds added to The CONSUMER's account on The PLATFORM will expire six months(180 days) from the date they were added to The CONSUMER's account.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The PROVIDER is NOT liable or responsible for ANY and ALL damage resulting from(either directly or indirectly) any data-leak, defect, or any other kind of malfunction or unexpected event The PLATFORM may suffer, under any and all circumstances.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the right to implement rate-limits against, or otherwise limit or restrict, any aspect or function of any application, service or resource offered on The PLATFORM, at ANY time, for ANY reason, without notice or explanation, at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The PROVIDER reserves the right to anonymize and use any data generated by your use of The PLATFORM, at any time, without notice, for the training and/or tuning of Generative Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning(ML) models or algorithms.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to be held liable to any and all damages incurred by The PROVIDER that are caused by(directly or indirectly) The CONSUMER's breach of the Terms of Service contained in The AGREEMENT herein.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The PROVIDER may sanitize, anonymize and retain indefinitely ANY and ALL data resulting from The CONSUMER's use of The PLATFORM to be used for any purpose at The PROVIDER's sole discretion WITHOUT providing ANY kind of notice, accounting or reason to The CONSUMER whatsoever.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to use The PLATFORM, or any other product or service offered by The PROVIDER, to upload, create, modify, generate, edit, process or otherwise handle or distribute data that is intended to poison, alter or otherwise harm or modify artificial intelligence models, under ANY and ALL conditions or circumstances WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to notify The PROVIDER immediate if The CONSUMER notices any behavior on, or usage of, The PLATFORM that may be in violation of the Terms of Service contained in The AGREEMENT.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT TO use The PLATFORM to generate spam or any other content that may be deemed malicious by The PROVIDER under ANY AND ALL circumstances.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT TO use The PLATFORM for ANY kind of security(or safety) research or testing WITHOUT express written permission from The PROVIDER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that it is The CONSUMER's responsibility to moderate and supervise any usage of The PLATFORM under The CONSUMER's account, and failure to do so in violation of The AGREEMENT.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to notify The PROVIDER immediately if The CONSUMER loses access to the email address(or suspects that the email address is compromised) associated with The CONSUMER's account on The PLATFORM.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to change their password and report to The PROVIDER when they suspect their account has been breached(or otherwise compromised) IMMEDIATELY.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that there is ABSOLUTELY NO guarantee(under ANY circumstance or condition) of the accuracy of any response that any service or product on The PLATFORM may provide to ANY given request from The CONSUMER(or anyone).
  • The CONSUMER ACKNOWLEDGES and AGREES that since the technology that powers The PLATFORM is so new, The PLATFORM(or any services provided by The VENDORS) may(at times) become unstable, and there is no guarantee of the quality(or availability) of the service that The PLATFORM provides(if any) WHATSOEVER.
  • The CONSUMER ACKNOWLEDGES and AGREES that The PLATFORM is only available to requests originating from the US(United States), ANY and ALL request originating from elsewhere will be REFUSED UNLESS an arrangement is made with The PROVIDER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to use The PLATFORM, or any other service or product offered by The PROVIDER, to cheat, plagiarize or otherwise engage in academic dishonesty or fraud.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to upload, process, distribute, create or otherwise handle any material or content, that The CONSUMER does NOT have the legal rights to(including but not limited to copyright infringement), on/to The PLATFORM.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES that The CONSUMER's use of The PLATFORM, or use of any other application, product or service offered by The PROVIDER, may be subject to rate-limits at The PROVIDER's sole discretion.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES to notify The PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY after they discover(or otherwise suspect) that someone else is using(or has used) The CONSUMER's API key(or otherwise accessing The CONSUMER's account on The PLATFORM).
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to use automation(of any kind) on(or against), or otherwise spam The PLATFORM without express written permission from The PROVIDER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES not to use VPN, or any other similar technology, to mask their geographically location and defeat(or manipulate in ANY way) any geographically restricted features, services or resources provided by The PLATFORM without express written permission from The PROVIDER.
  • The CONSUMER AGREES NOT to include any Personally Identifiable Information(PII), or any other information that is otherwise considered sensitive or regulated by an applicable government authority, in any training data or data otherwise uploaded or added to The PLATFORM, under ANY and ALL circumstances.
  • The CONSUMER ACKNOWLEDGES that failure to follow and adhere to the Terms and Conditions defined in The AGREEMENT, may not only lead to permanent suspension and removal from The PLATFORM, but can also result in serious legal and financial consequences.