
Introducing External Newton AI Data Sources

Introducing External Newton AI Data Sources

Newton AI and External Data Sources

Newton AI is Chicago AI's Artificial Intelligence powered chat agent that is intended to automate customer and employee support in real-time, acting as your organization's top domain expert. Newton AI is a revolutionary tool for small and medium sized businesses and new users can try Newton AI for free.

We have recently added the ability for you to add an external SQL datasource to each of your Newton AI instances. This gives the Newton AI agent the ability to accurately answer questions about frequently changing data such as product or inventory information in real-time.

When Should You Leverage an External Datasource for the Newton AI Agent?

External Newton AI datastores work best when providing non-static data that frequently changes to the Newton AI agent. This could be anything from inventory or stock information to product page links and calendar data. You should provide all static and rarely changing data when training a new Newton AI model.

By enabling the Newton AI agent with an SQL database connection, you reduce the frequency of the need to retrain and maintain your Newton AI model, all while expanding the breadth of what the Newton AI agent is capable of. To read more about adding an external datasource to Newton AI, please check out our Datasource FAQ page.

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